Session Analytics: Data Access

It’s possible to access the information of all Events, Errors and Objectives of the Analytics module.


  • Make sure to use MAGES.Analytics; namespace.

  • Make sure to set using Event = MAGES.Analytics.Event;.


  • This function prints all the data, of every single Event that has been performed so far.

  • It prints the time of the computer.

  • It prints the in-game time from the moment the simulation started.

  • It prints the name of the Event.

public void printEvents()
    MAGESAnalytics magesAnalyticsModule = Hub.Instance.Get<MAGESAnalytics>();

    foreach (var entry in magesAnalyticsModule.Events)
        if (entry.Value is Event eventValue)
            if (eventValue.GetTag() == "Event")
                string[] names = eventValue.GetData<string>("Name").Split(".");
                string name = names.Length > 1 ? names[1] : eventValue.GetData<string>("Name");
                    + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(eventValue.GetData<double>("Timestamp")).ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss")
                    + "] "
                    + name);


  • This function prints all of the data, of every single Error that has been occurred so far.

  • It prints the time of the computer.

  • It prints the in-game time from the moment the simulation started.

  • It prints the name of the Error.

public void printErrors()
    MAGESAnalytics magesAnalyticsModule = Hub.Instance.Get<MAGESAnalytics>();

    foreach (var entry in magesAnalyticsModule.Events)
        if (entry.Value is Event eventValue)
            if (eventValue.GetTag() == "Error")
                string[] names = eventValue.GetData<string>("Name").Split(".");
                string name = names.Length > 1 ? names[1] : eventValue.GetData<string>("Name");
                    + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(eventValue.GetData<double>("Timestamp")).ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss")
                    + "] "
                    + name);


  • This function prints all of the Objectives the user has set.

public void printObjectives()
    // Get the current session's analytics
    MAGESAnalytics magesAnalyticsModule = Hub.Instance.Get<MAGESAnalytics>();

    foreach (var entry in magesAnalyticsModule.Events)
        if (entry.Value is Event eventValue)
            if (eventValue.GetTag() == "Objective")
                    + " "
                    + (eventValue.GetData<bool>("Succeeded") ? "Completed" : "Not Completed"));


Whether an objective has been completed or not is displayed only at the end of the session.


  • This function prints the Score for every single event that has been performed so far.

  • The initial data represents the total Score the user can get for this action.

  • The final Score represents the Score the user got after completing the action.

public void printScores()
    // Get the current session's analytics
    MAGESAnalytics magesAnalyticsModule = Hub.Instance.Get<MAGESAnalytics>();

    foreach (var entry in magesAnalyticsModule.Events)
        if (entry.Value is Event eventValue)
            if (eventValue.GetTag() == "Score")
                Debug.Log(eventValue.GetData<string>("Name") + " "
                    + eventValue.GetData<float>("initial") + " "
                    + eventValue.GetData<float>("final"));