class MAGES::SceneGraph::UseActionData


Class that contains the data for the Use action. More…

class UseActionData: public MAGES::BaseActionData
    // classes

    class Factory;

    // properties

    GameObject UseObjectSpawned;
    GameObject UseColliderSpawned;
    GameObject UseObject;
    GameObject UseCollider;
    ActionGameObject ActionUseObject;
    ActionGameObject ActionUseCollider;
    override GameObject[] ActionGameObjects;
    int UseTime;

Inherited Members

    // enums

    enum ObjectParentType;

    // properties

    List<BaseActionData> NextActions;
    List<BaseActionData> PrevActions;
    List AttachedScripts;
    Action PathEnd;
    string ID;
    string ActionName;
    bool AdvancedMode;
    Vector2 NodePosition;
    ActionState State;
    StepContainer Steps;
    EffectDataCollection Effects;
    GameObject[] ActionGameObjects;
    bool IsStartAction;

    // methods

    override bool Equals(object other);
    override int GetHashCode();
    virtual List<BaseActionData> GetLinkedActions();
    virtual List<BaseActionData> GetIncomingActions();

Detailed Documentation

Class that contains the data for the Use action.


GameObject UseObjectSpawned

Gets the instantiated use object.

GameObject UseColliderSpawned

Gets the instantiated use collider.

GameObject UseObject

Gets or sets the use object.

GameObject UseCollider

Gets or sets the use collider.

ActionGameObject ActionUseObject

Gets or sets the action use object.

ActionGameObject ActionUseCollider

Gets or sets the action use collider.

int UseTime

Gets or sets the use time.