class MAGES::Interaction::InteractableAnimationController


Controlls an animation based on the Selection/Activation intensity. More…

class InteractableAnimationController: public MonoBehaviour
    // properties

    BaseInteractable Interactable;
    Animator Animator;
    string SelectionIntensityAnimatorFloatValue;
    string ActivationIntensityAnimatorFloatValue;

Detailed Documentation

Controlls an animation based on the Selection/Activation intensity.


BaseInteractable Interactable

Gets or sets the interactable to be used for getting selection/animation intensities.

Animator Animator

Gets or sets the animator to control.

string SelectionIntensityAnimatorFloatValue

Gets or sets the name of the float value to set on the animator for selection intensity.

string ActivationIntensityAnimatorFloatValue

Gets or sets the name of the float value to set on the animator for activation intensity.