class MAGES::SceneGraph::Editor::ActionNode¶
An Action node. More…
class ActionNode: public MAGES::SceneGraph::Editor::BaseActionNode { public: // methods ActionNode(); };
Inherited Members¶
public: // properties string Identifier; string Title; string Name; bool HasUnsavedChanges; bool Deleted; bool HasAnyIncomingConnections; bool BoundToAsset; SceneGraphView View; Port InActionPort; Port OutActionPort; VisualElement InputContainer; VisualElement OutputContainer; BaseActionData ActionData; SerializedObject SerializedData; System.ActionIActionImplementor>> OnCanonicalInputChanged; abstract string Identifier; abstract bool HasUnsavedChanges; SceneGraphView View; Port InActionPort; Port OutActionPort; string Title; string Name; bool Deleted; VisualElement InputContainer; SerializedObject SerializedData; VisualElement OutputContainer; BaseActionData ActionData; bool HasAnyIncomingConnections; bool BoundToAsset; Action IActionImplementor>> OnCanonicalInputChanged; override bool Deleted; override bool BoundToAsset; string ActionID; string ActionName; override string Name; override BaseActionData ActionData; override SerializedObject SerializedData; override string Identifier; override bool HasUnsavedChanges; override bool HasAnyIncomingConnections; override Action IActionImplementor>> OnCanonicalInputChanged; // methods void Initialize( System.Type actionType, BaseActionData data, System.Action<IActionImplementor, string, string> onNameChanged, string name ); void OnConnectionCreated(Port thisPort, Port otherPort, GraphElement other); void OnConnectionRemoved(Port thisPort, Port otherPort, GraphElement other); void OnRemoved(); void Save(string path); void Restore( Func<BaseActionData, GraphElement> lookup, Action addEdge ); void SetRuntimeControlsEnalbed( bool enabled, Action performAction, Action undoAction ); void SetPosition(Rect newPosition); BaseNode(); override void SetPosition(Rect newPos); virtual void Initialize( System.Type actionType, BaseActionData data, Action<IActionImplementor, string, string> onNameChanged, string name ); virtual void OnConnectionCreated( Port thisPort, Port otherPort, GraphElement other ); virtual void OnConnectionRemoved( Port thisPort, Port otherPort, GraphElement other ); virtual void OnRemoved(); virtual void Restore( Func<BaseActionData, GraphElement> lookup, Action addEdge ); virtual void SetRuntimeControlsEnalbed( bool enabled, Action performAction, Action undoAction ); virtual void Save(string path); BaseActionNode(); override void Initialize( Type actionType, BaseActionData data, Action<IActionImplementor, string, string> onNameChanged, string name ); void DisableRuntimeControls(); void EnableRuntimeControls(Action onNext, Action onPrev); virtual override void Save(string path); virtual override void OnConnectionCreated( Port thisPort, Port otherPort, GraphElement other ); virtual override void OnConnectionRemoved( Port thisPort, Port otherPort, GraphElement other ); virtual override void OnRemoved(); virtual override void Restore( Func<BaseActionData, GraphElement> lookup, Action addEdge ); virtual override void SetRuntimeControlsEnalbed( bool enabled, Action performAction, Action undoAction );
Detailed Documentation¶
An Action node.
Initializes a new instance of the ActionNode class.