class MAGES::DeviceManagerModule


The device manager module base class. More…

class DeviceManagerModule: public MAGES::HubModule
    // enums

    enum CameraMode;

    // properties

    CameraMode CurrentMode;
    float CameraHeight;
    IInteractionActions InteractionActions;
    ILocomotionActions LocomotionActions;
    IGenericInputActions GenericActions;
    GameObject CameraGameObject;
    GameObject CameraRig;
    GameObject LeftController;
    GameObject RightController;
    Camera CameraRef;

// direct descendants

class MAGESDeviceManager;
class StubDeviceManager;

Inherited Members

    // methods

    virtual abstract void Startup() = 0;
    virtual abstract void Shutdown() = 0;

Detailed Documentation

The device manager module base class.


CameraMode CurrentMode

Gets or sets the selected camera mode.

float CameraHeight

Gets or sets the camera height.

IInteractionActions InteractionActions

Gets or sets reference to the implementation of Input actions.

ILocomotionActions LocomotionActions

Gets or sets reference to the implementation of InputValues actions.

IGenericInputActions GenericActions

Gets or sets reference to the implementation of InputValues actions.

GameObject CameraGameObject

Gets or sets reference to the Camera GameObject.

GameObject CameraRig

Gets or sets reference to the Camera Rig.

GameObject LeftController

Gets or sets reference to the Left Controller.

GameObject RightController

Gets or sets reference to the Right Controller.

Camera CameraRef

Gets or sets reference to the main camera.