class MAGES::Theme


A theme is a collection of values that can be used to style a MAGES App. More…

class Theme: public ScriptableObject
    // classes

    class Defaults;
    class FontData;

    // properties

    Material GhostMaterial;
    Color GhostColor;
    RuntimeAnimatorController GhostAnimation;
    FontData SpatialLabelFont;
    Vector4 SpatialLabelPadding;
    Material SegmentMaterial;
    Gradient SegmentGradient;
    float SegmentWidth;

Detailed Documentation

A theme is a collection of values that can be used to style a MAGES App.


Material GhostMaterial

Gets or sets the material of the ghost.

Color GhostColor

Gets or sets the color of the ghost.

RuntimeAnimatorController GhostAnimation

Gets or sets the animation clip of the ghost.

FontData SpatialLabelFont

Gets or sets the font data for spatial labels.

Vector4 SpatialLabelPadding

Gets or sets the padding for spatial labels.

Material SegmentMaterial

Gets or sets the material for segments.

Gradient SegmentGradient

Gets or sets the gradient for segments.

float SegmentWidth

Gets or sets the width of segments.