Notification UIs

The following UIs are part of the advanced settings of the Scenegraph’s module.

Info UI

Info UI is typically called to display information about an action. Can be used outside of actions as well.


Warning UI

Warning UI is called to warn you before you make a mistake. Typically, after multiple warnings an error is called. Can be used outside of actions as well.


Error UI

Error UI is called when you perform an Error in an action.



Error UIs are called automatically by actions when an Error occurs, but they are not limited to actions, they can be called however the user wishes.

Achievement UI

Achievement UI that is called when an achievement is complete.


How to make your own custom notification UI

This is the function you can use to call your own custom notifications:

public void SpawnNotification(NotificationType notificationType, string text, bool priority = false, float time = 4.0f)

Parameter Name



Allows you to any of the available notification types such as: info, warning, error, achievement


Set your own custom text message for the notification.


Can set the priority for the notification, if its set to true it will override the current active notification else it wont be able to do so.


How long the notification is going to be displayed before it disappears.

You can call your own notification just like this:

    (NotificationSystem.NotificationType.Info, "Custom Notification message");


Make sure to use MAGES.UIs namespace