Interaction System Advanced Settings

The Interaction System Module inside Advanced Settings in the MAGES Panel contains several options to configure the Interaction System.

This is the complete list of advanced settings:


Interaction System Module in Detail

Option Name



The Interaction System Module implementation Script.

Left Hand

The gameobject representing the left hand of the player.

Right Hand

The gameobject representing the right hand of the player.


The gameobject representing the avatar of the player.


The available Interactable types. You can extend it and add yours. They are called like this Hub.Instance.Get<InteractionSystemModule>().GetInteractable(gameObject, "Grabbable"). This code will return the Grabbable component from the gameObject.


The available Interactor Types. Again, you can extend them. You call them like this Hub.Instance.Get<InteractionSystemModule>().GetInteractor(gameObject, "HandInteractor"). This code will return the HandInteractor from the gameObject.

Automatic Player Rig Setup

If true, the player rig will be automatically setup when the scene starts. The HandInteractors will be attached automatically and locomotion will be added.

Default Hover Material

The default material to be applied to interactables when hovered over.

Default Reticle

The reticle to use when hovering over interactables that do not provide their own.