class MAGES::Tests::TestDataContainer


Test various aspects of datacontainer at runtime. More…

class TestDataContainer
    // methods

    void TestContainerInitialization();
    void TestContainerCountSchema();
    void TestContainerEventSchema();
    void TestContainerListSchema();
    void TestSchemaInitializationWithAlreadyExistingKey();
    void TestSchemaGetSpecificData();
    void TestSchemaDeleteSpecificData();
    void TestGetAllSchemaDataException();

Detailed Documentation

Test various aspects of datacontainer at runtime.


void TestContainerInitialization()

Test data container instance.

void TestContainerCountSchema()

Testing storing retrieving and deleting data from Count Schema.

void TestContainerEventSchema()

Testing storing retrieving and deleting data from Event Schema.

void TestContainerListSchema()

Testing storing retrieving and deleting data from Event Schema.

void TestSchemaInitializationWithAlreadyExistingKey()

Testing initialization with already existing key pattern.

void TestSchemaGetSpecificData()

Testing the function GetSpecificSchemaData, which returns a dictionary with all the data under a subconvention under a certain schema.

void TestSchemaDeleteSpecificData()

Testing the function DeleteSpecificSchemaData, which deletes all the data under a subconvention under a certain schema.

void TestGetAllSchemaDataException()

Testing the function GetSchemaData, which returns a dictionary with all the data under a certain schema when given a keyPattern that doesn’t match a schema.