class MAGES::SceneGraph::ActivateBehavior


This behavior is performed when the user interacts with the object and presses the activation button. An animation also can be played when the object is activated. More…

class ActivateBehavior: public MAGES::SceneGraph::BaseBehavior
    // properties

    UnityEvent OnActivated;
    int NumberOfActivations;
    bool ActivateOnPress;
    AnimationClip AnimationClip;

Inherited Members

    // properties

    string ObjectID;
    BaseActionData ActionData;

Detailed Documentation

This behavior is performed when the user interacts with the object and presses the activation button. An animation also can be played when the object is activated.


UnityEvent OnActivated

Gets the on Activated event.

int NumberOfActivations

Gets or sets the number of activations needed to perform the action.

bool ActivateOnPress

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the action performs according to the activation of the object. If true, the action will perform when the button is pressed. If false, the action will perform when the button is released.

AnimationClip AnimationClip

Gets or sets the animation attached with the activations Action.