class MAGES::UIs::NetworkingFunctionTriggers


UI functions specific to MAGES coop. More…

class NetworkingFunctionTriggers: public MonoBehaviour
    // properties

    GameObject CreateSessionUI;
    GameObject OperationStartUI;
    GameObject SelectedSession;

    // methods

    void CreateRoom();
    void JoinSession();
    void Back();

Detailed Documentation

UI functions specific to MAGES coop.


GameObject CreateSessionUI

Gets or sets the UI gameobject of the create session.

GameObject OperationStartUI

Gets or sets the UI gameobject of the create session.

GameObject SelectedSession

Gets or sets the UI gameobject of the selected session.


void CreateRoom()

Creates a room.

void JoinSession()

Join a coop room.

void Back()

Goes back to the previous UI.