class MAGES::SceneGraph::TrajectoryActionData¶
Class that contains the data for the Trajectory action. More…
class TrajectoryActionData: public MAGES::BaseActionData { public: // classes class Factory; // properties GameObject ObjectUsedSpawned; };
Inherited Members¶
public: // enums enum ObjectParentType; // properties List<BaseActionData> NextActions; List<BaseActionData> PrevActions; ListAttachedScripts; Action PathEnd; string ID; string ActionName; bool AdvancedMode; Vector2 NodePosition; ActionState State; StepContainer Steps; EffectDataCollection Effects; GameObject[] InteractableObjects; GameObject[] ActionableObjects; bool IsStartAction; // methods override bool Equals(object other); override int GetHashCode(); virtual List<BaseActionData> GetLinkedActions(); virtual List<BaseActionData> GetIncomingActions();
Detailed Documentation¶
Class that contains the data for the Trajectory action.
GameObject ObjectUsedSpawned
Gets the object that will be used to perform the trajectory.