Flow nodes

Start node

The Start node is the first node where the scenegraph starts.

Here is a tutorial on how to configure the Start node.


Parameter name



The name of the Start node.

Operation Start UI Prefab

The initial UI prefab the user will be able to interact with

Avatar Customization UI Prefab

The UI prefab the user can use to customize his avatar (genre, appearance etc).

Start Objects

A List of objects that will spawn when this Action instantiates. This means at the beginning of the operation.


Remember that you can have only one Start node per scenegraph.

End node

The End node is the last node of the scenegraph.

Here is a tutorial on how to create and configure the End nodes.


Parameter name



The name of the End node

Operation End UI Prefab

The UI that will enable the user to exit the simulation.

Game Objects

A List of objects that will spawn when this Action instantiates. This means at the end of the operation. For example, here you can spawn a congratulations message to the user or visualize a custom analytics report.


You can have multiple End nodes per scenegraph. This is used in situations where you need to have multiple endings due to an important Error or from a user decision.

Repeat node

With Repeat nodes you can select a single or a sequence of Actions to run on a loop.

Here you can find a tutorial with a real use case of the Repeat node


Feature ID



The name of the Repeat node. Double click on its title to rename it.


The repeat count sets how many times the action sequence inside the repeat node will loop before continuing the normal flow of the operation.


The “In” input field links the repeat node with its previous Actions


The “Out” input field links the node with the next Actions.


This is the main area that you can drop the Actions that you want to repeat. As you see those Actions should be linked together.


Remember that you can have more that one Actions inside the repeat loop. This makes things more interesting when developing XR simulations.

Group node

With Group nodes you

A tutorial on Group nodes can be found here.


Feature ID



The name of the Group node. Double click on its title to rename it.


The area where you drag and drop your Actions that are included in this group.


Groups do not set anything regarding the simulation flow. They are only for organizational purposes.