class MAGES::Editor::BaseConfigurationTask


A unity projet configuration task. Can be managed by a IConfigurationTaskCallbacksReceiver. More…

class BaseConfigurationTask
    // properties

    ConfigurationTaskType Type;
    ConfigurationTaskState State;
    int Priority;
    string Title;
    string LoadingMessage;
    string Message;
    string FixMessage;
    string FixingMessage;
    string FixedMessage;

    // methods

    void Register(IConfigurationTaskCallbacksReceiver receiver);
    void Deregister(IConfigurationTaskCallbacksReceiver receiver);
    virtual abstract void Load() = 0;
    virtual abstract void Fix() = 0;

// direct descendants

class ColourSpaceConfigurationTask;
class PhotonNetworkingConfigurationTask;
class PhysicsSettingsConfigurationTask;
class TextMeshProConfigurationTask;
class UniversalRenderPipelineConfigurationTask;
class XRPluginManagementConfigurationTask;

Detailed Documentation

A unity projet configuration task. Can be managed by a IConfigurationTaskCallbacksReceiver.


ConfigurationTaskType Type

Gets thecurrent task type.

ConfigurationTaskState State

Gets the current task state.

int Priority

Gets the task’s priority.

string Title

Gets the task title.

string LoadingMessage

Gets the task message while loading.

string Message

Gets the task message when fix is available.

string FixMessage

Gets the task message for fix.

string FixingMessage

Gets the task message while fixing.

string FixedMessage

Gets the fixed task message.


void Register(IConfigurationTaskCallbacksReceiver receiver)

Registers this task to a IConfigurationTaskCallbacksReceiver.



The callback receiver to update for task changes.

void Deregister(IConfigurationTaskCallbacksReceiver receiver)

Deregisters from the handler, if any.



The callback receiver to deregister from. This will stop receiving updates for the current task.

virtual abstract void Load() = 0

Called to start loading the task.

virtual abstract void Fix() = 0

Called to start fixing the task, given that it is fixable.