class MAGES::Analytics::DefaultProcessors


Class that stores all default processors. More…

class DefaultProcessors
    // properties

    Processor DummyTrue;
    Processor DummyFalse;
    Processor ProcessorAvg;
    Processor ProcessorSum;
    Processor ProcessorMax;
    Processor ProcessorMin;
    Processor ProcessorMedian;
    Processor ProcessorActionPerformedState;
    Processor ProcessorPerformedWrongAction;
    Processor ProcessorDidNotPerformRequiredAction;
    Processor ProcessorOperationScoreLimit;
    Processor ProcessorTimeLimit;
    Processor ProcessorOperationDuration;
    Processor ProcessorCollision;
    Processor ProcessorRotationLimit;
    Processor ProcessorRangeOfMotion;
    Processor ProcessorAngleLimit;
    Processor ProcessorInteractionRestriction;

Detailed Documentation

Class that stores all default processors.


Processor DummyTrue

Gets a dummy processor that always returns true.

Processor DummyFalse

Gets a dummy processor that always returns false.

Processor ProcessorAvg

Gets processor that finds the average from a given list.

Processor ProcessorSum

Gets processor that finds the sum from a given list.

Processor ProcessorMax

Gets processor that finds the max from a given list.

Processor ProcessorMin

Gets processor that finds the min from a given list.

Processor ProcessorMedian

Gets processor that finds the median from a given list.

Processor ProcessorActionPerformedState

Gets processor that finds if certain subactions were performed under another action.

Processor ProcessorPerformedWrongAction

Gets processor that finds if certain actions were performed while another specified action is active.

Processor ProcessorDidNotPerformRequiredAction

Gets processor that finds if certain actions were not performed while another specified action is active.

Processor ProcessorOperationScoreLimit

Gets processor that finds the specified action exceeded the time limit.

Processor ProcessorTimeLimit

Gets processor that finds the specified action exceeded the time limit.

Processor ProcessorOperationDuration

Gets processor that finds the operation duration.

Processor ProcessorCollision

Gets processor that detects if a collision happened in given actions.

Processor ProcessorRotationLimit

Gets processor that detects a rotation limit has been reached.

Processor ProcessorRangeOfMotion

Gets processor that detects a range of motion limit has been reached.

Processor ProcessorAngleLimit

Gets processor that detects if the insert angle of an insert action is greater than the limit.

Processor ProcessorInteractionRestriction

Gets processor that detects a range of motion limit has been reached.