Interactor/Hand Interactor

Interactor Components represent the way the user can interact with the environment. They can be used to hover, select and activate grabbables. In MAGES the Interactors are an implementation of IInteractor interface of MAGES implemented into an abstract class called BaseInteractor, which is inherited by the BaseControllerInteractor (which also implements the IControllerInteractor Interface). Finally, the BaseControllerInteractor is inherited by the HandInteractor class.

The Hand Interactor are Interactors representing the interactions of the user’s hands with the operation environment and specifically the grabbables.

The first main 5 parameters of the Hand Interactor are:



Input Controller Side

You can choose whether this Interactor will represent the Left or the Right Controller.

Follow Transform

The transform that the Interactor follows.

Palm Collider

The collider that is used to interact with the colliders of the Interactables/Grabbables.

UI Interaction With Raycast

Enables UI interaction with Raycasts.

Object Interaction with Raycast

Enables object interaction with Raycasts.


If you want to use the Raycast option, its important for the children of the Interactor to have the Line visualizer script.

These are the rest parameters fields of the Hand Interactor Component: