Hand Interactor Poses

The Poses represent the number of poses the Hand Interactor can take (in our case the hand) depending if you are pressing down the buttons, meaning depending on how you choose to interact.

Here is a list of the options:


Pose Option Name


Idle Pose

The idle, open hand pose. Used along with the grip and trigger poses to generate auto hand postures.

Grip Idle Pose

The pose to use when the grip button is not pressed.

Grip Pose

The pose to use when the grip button is pressed but not interacting with an object.

Trigger Idle Pose

The pose to use when the trigger button is not pressed.

Trigger Pose

The pose to use when the trigger button is pressed but not interacting with an object.

Hand Poser

In order to set the hand poses for the Hand Interactor you need the Hand Poser script, that contains a list of Finger poser scripts each individual one setting up every finger.


The finger poser script itself is used to setup each finger joint based on its transformation.


To see a more detailed tutorial on how to setup Hand Poses check Hand Poses.