
For the Interaction parameter of the grabbable component, there are two parameters you can change: the Interaction Mode and the Grab Mode.

Interaction Mode

There are two options for the interaction mode: single and multiple.


Option Name



With the Single option selected, at most one Interactor (for example, a hand) can interact with this Interactable object.


With the Multiple option selected, multiple interactors (for example, with both hands) can interact with this Interactable object.

Grab Mode

There are two options for the grab mode: Grabbable to Interactor and Hand to Grabbable.


Option Name


Grabbable to Interactor

With the Grabbable to Interactor option selected, the object that has the grabbable component moves towards the hand.

Hand to Grabbable

With the Hand to Grabbable option selected, the hand (Interactor) moves towards the grabbable object (Interactable).


Hand to Grabbable option works only for Hand Interactor, while Grabbable to Interactor works for other Interactor types.


To see a more detailed tutorial on how to setup the Grabbable component check How to Setup a Grabbable Component.