Question Action

A Question Action is used to ask a question to the user, like a quiz. The question is presented along with the available answers. User can select a single or multiple answers.



This is a great Action type for Cognitive simulations.

How to Setup a Question Action

In this tutorial we will make a Question Action to ask the user in which part of the body should the injection be given.

  1. Right-click on the Scenegraph editor.

  2. Select New Action > Question Action.

  3. Click on the New Question button.


    A new question template will appear in front of the scene camera.

  4. Place the question to the location you want it to spawn.

  5. Fill in your question in the question box.

  6. Add possible answers to your questions and tick the box of those that are correct.



Press the Preview answers button to populate your question template with the question title and the answers on Edit mode. It will be like this when you play the app.

  1. Name the action, e.g., “Injection Question”.

  2. Finally, make sure the Action is connected to the rest of the Actions, click save and your question action is done!


To edit your question, open again the scenegraph editor and click on the Edit Question button to make changes.



Remember to save your question by pressing the Save Question button each time you make modifications.

How to Perform

The Action performs when the user selects an answer and presses the submit button.

Video tutorial