Analytics Advanced Settings

The Analytics Module inside Advanced Settings in the MAGES Panel contains several options to configure the Analytics.

This is the complete list of advanced settings:


Analytics Module in Detail

Option Name



The Analytics Module implementation Script.

Enable Logs

Sets whether the logs will be enabled or not. If not checked, the below option (Output) will not have any effect.


Sets whether the logs will output to a file or to the console.

Success Threshold

The score threshold for a successful operation. If the score is above or equal to this value, the operation is considered successful. If the score is below this value, the operation is considered a failure. The accepted values are between 0-100.

Session Overview Prefab

The prefab that will be spawn on operation end to display the generated analytics.

Runtime Analytics Notifications

Sets whether the analytics notifications will be displayed or not. This spawns Error messages to the user when triggering an Error.

Action Scoring Merge Policy

The policy for calculating the score of actions that are performed multiple times. The different policies are:
  1. Average

    Keep the average of the actions scores.

  2. Max

    Keep the maximum of the action scores.

  3. Min

    Keep the minimum of the action scores.

  4. First

    Keep the score of the first action that was performed.

  5. Last

    Keep the score of the last action that was performed.

  6. Aggregate

    Keep all the action scores (the total score of the operation could end up being higher than 100%).